January 27, 2010

64 Days!

"Because of what Baylor has meant to you in the past, because of what she will mean to you in the future, oh my students, have a care for her. Build upon the foundations here a great school of which I have dreamed, so that she may touch and mold the lives of future generations and help fit them for life here and hereafter."
-Samuel Palmer Brooks

And now for a new addition to the blog...
Things you shouldn't name your children:


So obviously I've started my new job this week. My first real day was Sunday and it's going pretty well. It's a pretty chill job, we call students who have been accepted to Baylor or who have started an application and are missing things and we talk to them about the school and their next steps in the application process. It pays pretty decently, and the people I work with are pretty cool. We also get to call kids with really funny names and try to pronounce them correctly. I'm sure I'll end up with all sorts of funny stories about people I've talked to.
This week will also be my first real week volunteering at Waco Center for Youth. I go on Thursday to talk to the lady who is in charge of the horses and then Saturday will be my first actual day with the kids. My first test is also this week. It's in Italian, my least favorite class, so I'm not exactly looking forward to that one. I have two more tests next week on Thursday and Friday. While we're on the topic of class, on Monday I walked into Drugs and Behavior and into a conversation about expensive pens. I'm not talking about $20 pens I'm talking about pens that cost thousands of dollars. I have now learned that my professor has a thing for pens. He carries two pens costing at least $500 on him at all times. Now these are nice fountain pens, but still that seems a little ridiculous for a pen. But it gets better. He told us about shops in Houston and Dallas that sell $10,000 pens. Seriously?! Who pays that much for a pen?!
Emily and I went to the Humane society this week just to look at the animals and play with them. Surprisingly we came home with nothing! There was a really awesome husky that I would have loved to take home but I already have Jasper so I guess I don't need a dog. There were some cute cats too, but Jasper doesn't seem to like having other cats in the house. Oh yeah the countdown in the title is now till my birthday. Only 64 more days! :)

Awww sleepy thug kitty :)

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