January 13, 2012

4th Quarter Update

The holiday season is over!! And I can't say I'm sad to see it go. The insanity of 4th Quarter made it pass quickly but the guest complaints, running out of high demand stuff, and stress over surprise visits make me glad it's done. I'm so ready for the "off" season in retail. Let the vacation begin!
Things at work have already started to slow down, which is awesome. I'm also supposed to be getting a new ETL partner is food which I am looking forward to. It will be weird not to be in charge of everything, but nice to be able to concentrate only on the perishable areas.
All in all 4th Quarter went ok, and now I will know what to expect next year. Everyone came here for Thanksgiving and we cooked at my apartment. We had a good roast, salad, Yorkshire pudding and pumpkin cheesecake! I worked during the day on Black Friday so I missed all the Midnight fun.  I even got a few days off at Christmas and went back to Houston. It was so nice to relax for a few days and not have to think about work. I also had New Years Eve off and started off 2012 in Ft. Worth with a bunch of friends.
Currently I'm working on planning a vacation in March. My mom and I are going to Italy for 10 days! We have plane tickets, a hotel in Venice, and tickets for the Scavi tour at the Vatican! We will go to Venice, Florence and Rome and I am SO excited! I'll have to bring the photo/travel blog back when we go.

And now... My life in Photos December edition:
The Wreath I made for my front door! Ornaments strung together on a coat hanger. 
My Christmas Tree!
Jasper in his festive bow tie 
Stella enjoyed her first Christmas with us. 
Trivia Tuesday Gang. Every Tuesday we get a bunch of people together and compete in Trivia at the Cellar down on the canal here! It's a lot of fun, and we've gotten pretty good at it! 
One of the best things about going to Houston for a few days. Movie day with Jason and Kevin! We also visited Kevin at his job at Eddie Bauer and went shopping at the Outlet Mall. 
Seeing Ribbon was also fun. He's so friendly now, and loves coming in the house and cuddling. (all other pictures from Christmas were taken on my Dad's camera and I don't have them)
New Years Eve and the Library with Ellie and Barrett
Some of the NYE group
Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies! Made with Oil Instead of Butter.