January 16, 2010

Idk Days

Sooo, Italy trip is officially postponed until the beginning of June. Yeah it sucks, and now spring break is going to be totally lame because I have no other plans. Somehow due to a mistake in the calenders it turns out Kristin and I do not have the same spring break and since neither of us can skip class for a week it's not happening. So no Italy in March anymore we're going to go right after Kristin graduates. Sad day. At least i'll get to go to the rodeo over break and I guess work a little, maybe go to the beach.
So the first week of school is now over. It's been a long one. I love all my classes but it's going to be a challenging semester. I'm taking all senior classes except Italian 4th semester. They're really fun though, I've got a British pop culture class, Drugs and Behavior (which includes a former Australian basketball player), Psychopathology and History of Psychology. I've learned this week that being a psych major seriously limits the number of guys in your classes.  I think I've got like 15 total in all of them maybe. Yeah I know, lame. One class has one guy in it and the rest girls it's weird. I've also learned that in upper level classes teachers are real big on the class discussion angle. Ugh...
We also started SING practice! So excited about that, it's a lot of fun. It's every day for two hours, but it only lasts till the end of Feb so it's not terrible. Oh! I got a job today! Now I'll have some extra money to save for Italy and London! I'm working with 3 of my friends too, so that will be great!
Nothing too exciting has happened on the trip front, I applied for a scholarship for my London trip, and we are picking hotels for Italy but thats about it. I turn 21 in 75 days so there is something I'm seriously looking forward to, especially since I have a 4 day weekend!

Here is SING:

Oh and Jasper is pretty thug... Are you??

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