August 27, 2010

Last Firsts

Senior year means the year of "last firsts" (last first football game, last first test, etc) and this week they began. I had my last first day of undergrad, and my last first week of school. It's been good, and although my workload isn't any less burdensome than the past semesters I'm finally only taking classes I want to take. This is the first semester I actually really wanted to take all the classes I am taking and it's the first time I can drop most of my classes if the work looks too hard or if they seem boring. I don't think I'll be doing that but still, it's a nice feeling. I'm in a good place to graduate, I have two classes left to take in the spring and other than that I'm just taking things I wanted to take. It's a very good feeling, and although studying for the GRE will take up much of my time this semester I think Fall 2010 will be a good few months. I'm looking forward to building my last homecoming float, going to football games, fishbowl Fridays, scruffs, and spending time with my friends.
As for what classes I'm taking:
Learning and Behavior: This class also has a lab in which we train a rat to press a lever for food, and do other classical and operant conditioning exercises with them. The class is about well, learning and behavior. Dr. Riley is pretty cool and I think it will be a good class.
Renaissance and Reformation: Once again the name is self explanatory, the class is about the renaissance in Europe and the reformation. I like the time period,and we get to write a research paper on basically whatever we want so that is a plus.
Psychology of Personal Relationships: probably going to be my favorite class this semester. It's all about how we form relationships, why we are attracted to who we are, challenges relationships face, etc, etc. All of it is empirically driven, so we look at a lot of real life studies. I love the professor, she's hilarious and the material is really interesting.
Extreme Deviance: I'm really excited about this one too. It's about people who don't follow societies norms, the consequences, how norm are formed, etc. We got to learn about all the weirdo's out there, like the German Cannibal for example.
Adolescent Development: my first FCS class, so I'm a little out of my element in this one because it's not history or psychology but it should still be good. We get to mentor kids in the Waco school district which will be interesting.
It should be a pretty good semester, and hopefully along the way I'll figure out what I'm doing next May.

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