September 29, 2010

The Future's so Birght

I gotta wear shades... hahaha
Anyway, today was the "Hire a Bear Career Fair" aka: totally nerve racking first encounter with possible employers.
It was surprisingly fun! I went in really nervous and left feeling like I might actually find a really cool job next year. I may have to compromise on the city I want to live in, but still if the job is right I guess I could compromise on the living spot. A lot of the companies at the career fair were very business major oriented but there were still a good group of people to talk to. The first table I visited was the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which sounds totally cool! They hire people to do all sorts of things, from guard to counselor. I also talked to Target, USAA, Providence Health Care, The Burke Center, a news station, the FBI, the secret service, and Eli Lilly. A few of the companies are coming back to do interviews later this semester that I can go to, I have an interview to apply to with the news station to see if I might be interested in reporting, and a few places told me to watch the job openings and they would contact me in March. So all in all it was a successful first job search! Plus I got to wear a suit, which looks pretty baller (and is really hot!).
Saturday is the for real GRE, so this week is just all about the future.

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