March 16, 2010

Is it really almost time to graduate!?

Today amongst the mass emails from Baylor all juniors got an email about graduation. Graduation is 14 months away. Apparently it's already time to start thinking about it, and not just the fun parts like ordering announcements, and parties, and cap and gown but the scary growing up parts too. It just seems like its looming now, I've been looking at classes for next semester lately (I sign up at the beginning of April) and it's weird to think that I'll only do that one more time here at Baylor. I don't feel like I've been here long enough to leave yet...
So of I read the email and it's all avout submitting graduation forms starting in July and getting degree audits turned in and how if you screw this up you can't graduate and of course I'm then totally freaking out hoping I'm not going to accidentally have missed some stupid class I was supposed to take and not be able to graduate. So now on top of all my homework and tests this week I'm thinking about graduation and all the stuff I have to get figured out in the next year. So now I feel totally overwhelmed because somehow between work and volunteering and school work I need to start studying for the GRE and contacting grad programs and really thinking about schools and applications all the while trying to pass the classes I'm actually taking now and trying not to ruin my GPA in the process. Is there a way to stop sleeping to have more hours in the day? Haha, no seriously.
Being a college student is starting to be no fun anymore. I'm slowly realizing that I have no real plan for the rest of my life. I'm graduating with a degree in psychology which is basically worthless without a PhD, and I'm thinking I should have followed the smart path and majored in business or education something with a guaranteed job. I don't know anything about supporting myself or finding a job, or paying for any of the things I don't currently pay for. I don't even feel like I'm old enough to be thinking about any of this stuff, it's just surreal how fast college has flown by. I mean I know I have a year, but two semesters isn't much and a lot of post graduation stuff needs to be done or at least started next fall. It's too bad we don't get a year of chill time  after schools over to figure stuff out without having to grow up and live in the real world. I still want to travel and have some fun before worrying about a job or grad school- which doesn't sound too appealing right now. I mean really who wants to finish school and go back for another five years?

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