Today one of our trip goal was completed. Michael and I finally tried Cognac and coffee. After class me, Meggan, and Michael took the tube to the half price ticket booth to get tickets for tonight for Chicago for the group. We grabbed crepes for lunch at the crepe place near the South Kensington tube stop. I had one with salmon, spinach and cheese in it. After our crepes Michael and I ordered a cup of coffee and cognac (sadly I think the glass of cognac had more ice in it than anything we've drank all trip. They don't put ice in ANYTHING here). It was pretty good with the coffee, not something I see myself loving but fun to try. Then we headed out to the British Museum. We shopped a little along the way and spent about an hour and a half at the museum, which is HUGE by the way, before we had to get back to change for dinner and the show. The museum was great though, the mummy collection is awesome and the Egyptian exhibits were definitley my favorite followed by the Greek section and the Britain/ Europe area. I could have probably spent a whole day exploring. We came back for dinner, the first I've eaten on campus. It was kabobs, corn, fries and salad which were all good. After dinner we headed out to Texas Embassy, a Texas themed restaurant owned by Baylor parents, because they were hosting a special student night for us. The place is really cute, all decked out in Texas stuff with flags from all the Texas schools and all sorts of historical stuff. We hung out there for a bit, had a margarita and headed to the Cambridge theatre for Chicago. The show was awesome! The orchestra was on stage which was really interesting, they were seated on this stairs like block with openings for the cast to come out on and move around so there was no real scenery except ladders on the sides of the stage and chairs. The cast did an awesome job with the story though and the music was really good. So our first show here was definitley a success!

Our first taste of cognac
The British Museum! The museum I was most excited to see!
Inside the museum
Ready to explore!
First stop the Rosetta stone!
The Egyptian hall
All of these statues are massive and carved out of stone
Statue of one of the kings
Looking back down the hall, you can see how huge this stuff is
A carved wall piece from the Middle East, these pieces went in the palace and were all set up in order so many of them told stories as you walked down the hall.
Ram of Amun and King Taharqa
The Greek/ Roman area
These were all removed from the Parthenon
One of the metopes, these also told stories and were at one time on the wall of the Parthenon
Grecian pottery
One of the statues possibly from the Acropolis in Athens
Mummies!! There were literally close to 100 mummies/ sarcophagi
They even mummified their cats! Good plan huh, I already ordered Jasper a sarcophagus
Cameos from medieval Europe
All of this is made from coral, it was a really pretty pink in real life
Goblets from the Tudor era
My favorite clock in the clock hall
Ready for the night!
Texas Embassy!
Come and take it flag!
Some of the Baylor gang
Upstairs before taking our seats
In our favorite tube stop haha, actually probably just the one we visit most often
Waiting for the tube home.
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