Today along with my class, DG's class, and a few other people I traveled to Cambridge. It's a really cute little college town, where Cambridge University is located. A surprise to me, Cambridge University isn't just one school, like American universities are, it is made up of I believe 31 different colleges, most of which you can see the backs of from the river in Cambridge. Weird, I know but that's how the university system works here. While in Cambridge I tried my hand at punting. Punting is sort of like powering a gondola, you have a boat with a flat bottom which can hold any number of people (ours held 6) and you stand on the back and move the boat with a giant pole. You can either ride around in these boats and get tours from local college students or rent your own and attempt to punt yourself. We chose the latter. It made for a really entertaining afternoon because we all took turns attempting to drive the boat around. The hardest part is keeping the boat straight because when you push off the river bed the boat wants to move sideways. I was actually a pretty good punter! We all got our boat going pretty well, unlike some other people we saw who spent most of their time running into things. After punting we wandered around the market in the town center for awhile. There are a lot of fruit stands, t-shirts and handmade jewelry. I bought a necklace from a lady who makes really pretty pieces with different charms and stones. Mine has a silver cat charm, a pearl, a piece of turquoise and pink zirconia. The market ended our day and we wandered back to the train station and came back to London.I've just been relaxing, doing homework and reading Sight Unseen since I got back, hopefully tonight will be an early night to sleep.

The market in the town center
Part of King's College
Walking around Cambridge
More of the school
A really cool looking sundial
You can get to the King's College chapel this way, we didn't go in because you have to pay to tour all the colleges here.
Pretty area on the way to "the backs" (the area where you can walk and see all the colleges)
The river where we went punting!
Everyone getting ready to go. We had two boats of 6
Boat number one! Julian is ready to punt
On the river, the hardest part was getting away from the dock area and onto the river
Me, Aineta, and Sam
The backs, not sure which college this is
Me punting us through some trees
Pretty bridge near St. Johns
One of the tunnels, these were interesting to go through because you had to line it up before the bridge and duck down to get under
After Aineta hit another boat with our pole.
Sam's turn! He was really good.
These girls gave up on punting and were just dancing.
I think this was St. Johns.
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