November 10, 2010

Halfway done?

So, Fall semester of senior year is almost over. Like literally almost over, I think there are approximately three weeks left. Thanksgiving break is coming up fast, so is Fall Ball, and the dreaded finals. Unfortunately I have three tests, and two major research papers before we even hit dead days. All of which I am putting off, senioritis has indeed set in.
In other news Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out next week! So excited about that. I already have midnight tickets and am slightly tempted to dress up. Fall Ball is also next week, on Friday. Reagan is planning it so it should be fantastic and I know we are having pumpkin spice cake balls which promise to be delicious. I got my dress in the mail today, so now I just need some shoes and jewelry. 

Now, onto today's awesome news. This morning I registered for my last semester at Baylor! I'm taking 12 hours, and will have no classes on Friday so the spring is looking up. It was really cool to run my degree audit and see the all requirements met message. Now I just need to find a job, and fill out some grad school applications and next semester can be all about having fun. It's really strange to be almost done with college.  
Degree Audit :)
ADPi and ATO pumpkin carving mixer
Reagan, Michael and My pumpkin
 Final score of the homecoming game
 Me and Emily at the bonfire
 Me and My Parents
 Pat Neff
 Me and Emily in the BEARS
 On the Judge Baylor Statue
First down! and a cool sunset
 Chris got married!
 The cool kids at the wedding
Justin and Annie

Also, if you haven't seen due date it's hilarious so see it!

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