I gotta wear shades... hahaha
Anyway, today was the "Hire a Bear Career Fair" aka: totally nerve racking first encounter with possible employers.
It was surprisingly fun! I went in really nervous and left feeling like I might actually find a really cool job next year. I may have to compromise on the city I want to live in, but still if the job is right I guess I could compromise on the living spot. A lot of the companies at the career fair were very business major oriented but there were still a good group of people to talk to. The first table I visited was the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which sounds totally cool! They hire people to do all sorts of things, from guard to counselor. I also talked to Target, USAA, Providence Health Care, The Burke Center, a news station, the FBI, the secret service, and Eli Lilly. A few of the companies are coming back to do interviews later this semester that I can go to, I have an interview to apply to with the news station to see if I might be interested in reporting, and a few places told me to watch the job openings and they would contact me in March. So all in all it was a successful first job search! Plus I got to wear a suit, which looks pretty baller (and is really hot!).
Saturday is the for real GRE, so this week is just all about the future.
September 29, 2010
September 14, 2010
Ghouls night out
It seems like every where you turn in college people are getting engaged or married, especially here at Baylor where the Mrs. degree is a popular thing. Is it really necessary to be settling down at this point in our lives? I mean it's great if you find the person you want to spend your life in college but who cares if you don't? Despite the way some people act finding a husband in college doesn't need to be your goal. I know I'm not alone in this but I'm sick of people acting like it's a bad thing if you're not in a relationship, I don't need to feel bad that I don't have a boyfriend. I'm having fun, I'm figuring things out for myself, now I'm not saying that if the right person came along I wouldn't want a relationship but why rush things? My life goal isn't the ring by spring, as it is so fondly named here at Baylor. Anyway because of this Reagan and I came up with an idea for a single girls night out.
Tonight was Reagan, Jenny and my first ghouls night out. What is that you may ask? Well it's basically girls night out, but ghouls instead in honor of a Halloween sign Reagan and I found. So we are going to come up with fun places to go, like different happy hours or movies or concerts and just go and have fun. Anyway tonight we went to this new place called Sam's on the Square (tequila and tacos). Soo good! They serve a bunch of different kinds of tacos, some soups/ salads and appetizers. They also have a bunch of fun sounding drinks. We were there during happy hour so we got margaritas, queso and tacos! Yumm!! After dinner we went to "A Night with Sarah Palin" which was at the Ferrell Center on campus and it was a fundraiser benefiting Care Net crisis pregnancy center. Care net provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, etc for those experiencing unexpected pregnancy and they are trying to expand their resources to provide a place for the mothers to live, and more counselors to talk to girls. It was really cool, Sarah Palin is hilarious and a very relatable speaker. She spoke about being pro-life, and about her own experience in finding out her son was going to be born with down syndrome and her fears and about her daughters pregnancy and how Bristol dealt with that. Her accent is adorable, and I love that she doesn't care what the press says about her and her family. She told a lot of funny stories about caribou hunting in Alaska.
So our first ghouls night out was a success! On another note, Baylor is offering a practice GRE for free this weekend, so I'll be taking that, and two weeks later the real one! Also the career fair is coming up Sept 30, so I'll be there too looking for job.
and without further ado...
Things you Shouldn't Name your Kids
Chykira (Like Shakira?)
Admiral (although this sounds kinda cool)
Glass Box (yes this was a real number)
Tonight was Reagan, Jenny and my first ghouls night out. What is that you may ask? Well it's basically girls night out, but ghouls instead in honor of a Halloween sign Reagan and I found. So we are going to come up with fun places to go, like different happy hours or movies or concerts and just go and have fun. Anyway tonight we went to this new place called Sam's on the Square (tequila and tacos). Soo good! They serve a bunch of different kinds of tacos, some soups/ salads and appetizers. They also have a bunch of fun sounding drinks. We were there during happy hour so we got margaritas, queso and tacos! Yumm!! After dinner we went to "A Night with Sarah Palin" which was at the Ferrell Center on campus and it was a fundraiser benefiting Care Net crisis pregnancy center. Care net provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, etc for those experiencing unexpected pregnancy and they are trying to expand their resources to provide a place for the mothers to live, and more counselors to talk to girls. It was really cool, Sarah Palin is hilarious and a very relatable speaker. She spoke about being pro-life, and about her own experience in finding out her son was going to be born with down syndrome and her fears and about her daughters pregnancy and how Bristol dealt with that. Her accent is adorable, and I love that she doesn't care what the press says about her and her family. She told a lot of funny stories about caribou hunting in Alaska.
So our first ghouls night out was a success! On another note, Baylor is offering a practice GRE for free this weekend, so I'll be taking that, and two weeks later the real one! Also the career fair is coming up Sept 30, so I'll be there too looking for job.
and without further ado...
Things you Shouldn't Name your Kids
Chykira (Like Shakira?)
Admiral (although this sounds kinda cool)
Glass Box (yes this was a real number)
September 08, 2010
Why Hello Septmember
School is quickly moving along, it's already week 3 here, we had a long weekend, and I made a resume. Excitement all around.
Let me start this post off with a few disclaimers 1) I don't have all the details on this, I don't personally know the guys involved 2) I realize that when I chose Baylor I was going to a private Baptist school and that it would be more conservative here.
Anyway, with that said something happened this week that just really bothered me. There is a fraternity on campus that is a local group and considers itself to be a christian group (I know a bunch of them and for the most part they are nice guys). Like I said, I don't have all the details on this but I guess in their bylaws it says they don't accept members who are gay (how a group of 18-20 something year old guys could seriously all vote for this amazes me). Well anyway I guess one of their members was sending forward text messages to other members and this made the guys involved uncomfortable, any way this basically forced outed the guy and he was brought to standards. Well I guess it was decided that the guy would be asked to go early alum (basically a nice way of kicking you out without actually revoking your membership). Now this whole situation really bothers me, first of all it's not a particularly "Christian" thing to do, second poor guy, he just came out which I'm sure was hard for him and now his group of friends is rejecting him for being himself. Like how shitty is that? When you join a frat you choose the group and the group chooses you, and to then later reject someone because of sexual preference is pretty crappy. This is the point in time when you should be there for someone, not isolate them and act like it's not ok to be who they are. Maybe this just bothered me because I have quite a few gay friends, and even a family member but I don't think you should look at someone differently because of their sexual orientation and it's really sad to think that a group would still do this, I mean I'd like to think the students here for the most part are very welcoming, and this says otherwise. It also makes me lose respect for the group as a whole.
On another note, I went to church this past weekend (sorry not Catholic church Mom) with my roommate and really enjoyed it. The topic of the week was "Happily Ever After" so it was about things you should be looking for in relationships and how a relationship should be a conscious decision made by both parties involved. It was an interesting sermon, and while I didn't agree with everything said I still enjoyed it.
Alright peeps, first test of the semester tomorrow morning so I've got to get to sleep.
Let me start this post off with a few disclaimers 1) I don't have all the details on this, I don't personally know the guys involved 2) I realize that when I chose Baylor I was going to a private Baptist school and that it would be more conservative here.
Anyway, with that said something happened this week that just really bothered me. There is a fraternity on campus that is a local group and considers itself to be a christian group (I know a bunch of them and for the most part they are nice guys). Like I said, I don't have all the details on this but I guess in their bylaws it says they don't accept members who are gay (how a group of 18-20 something year old guys could seriously all vote for this amazes me). Well anyway I guess one of their members was sending forward text messages to other members and this made the guys involved uncomfortable, any way this basically forced outed the guy and he was brought to standards. Well I guess it was decided that the guy would be asked to go early alum (basically a nice way of kicking you out without actually revoking your membership). Now this whole situation really bothers me, first of all it's not a particularly "Christian" thing to do, second poor guy, he just came out which I'm sure was hard for him and now his group of friends is rejecting him for being himself. Like how shitty is that? When you join a frat you choose the group and the group chooses you, and to then later reject someone because of sexual preference is pretty crappy. This is the point in time when you should be there for someone, not isolate them and act like it's not ok to be who they are. Maybe this just bothered me because I have quite a few gay friends, and even a family member but I don't think you should look at someone differently because of their sexual orientation and it's really sad to think that a group would still do this, I mean I'd like to think the students here for the most part are very welcoming, and this says otherwise. It also makes me lose respect for the group as a whole.
On another note, I went to church this past weekend (sorry not Catholic church Mom) with my roommate and really enjoyed it. The topic of the week was "Happily Ever After" so it was about things you should be looking for in relationships and how a relationship should be a conscious decision made by both parties involved. It was an interesting sermon, and while I didn't agree with everything said I still enjoyed it.
Alright peeps, first test of the semester tomorrow morning so I've got to get to sleep.
September 03, 2010
School and What Not
For your viewing pleasure: chocolate covered ice
This week was fatal attractions. What is a fatal attraction? No, it doesn't involve someone getting murdered. According to the study a fatal attraction is when the initially attracting quality is also the reason the relationship ended. In the study a group of people were asked to think back to their last failed relationship, they were then asked two questions. 1. What were the initial qualities that attracted you to your partner? 2. Looking back what were the qualities about the individual that you found least attractive? The researchers then looked to see if the qualities matched up, for example if the attracting quality was something like spontaneity, and the unattractive quality was irresponsibility a fatal attraction would have occurred (this was one of the highest occurring fatal attractions that's why I bring it up).
So some of the things we talked about in class were:
Do all couples go through fatal attractions, and some just work it out? Maybe, I mean all couples have their issues, there will always be certain things your partner does that annoy you, but do these always have to be fatal? I think a couple who has good communication skills, and who are both truly invested in the relationship for the same reasons can work these issues out. If you both want your relationship to work, and you both see something long term coming from it you are more likely to protect your investment by either picking your battles or learning to discuss your issues. If you were attracted to the person because of their impulsiveness, and the fact that they were fun you might later find them to be irresponsible, and it might be annoying that they can't make decisions or aren't on time to things, but if you can talk this out and express your concerns these are things that can be worked on. Relationships are about compromise, and working together and if you can do these things, I think fatal attractions can be overcome.
We also asked, Does the partner change in some way that makes the attraction fatal? This question is all in how you look at the situation, if someone was always spontaneous did they really move more along the spectrum into irresponsible, or did your perspective of their qualities change? You also have to think back on what you went into the relationship looking for. Studies show that people look for different qualities in short term and long term relationships. Qualities like fun, spontaneous, outgoing, etc are more welcome in a short term relationship but in a long term relationship, committed, caring, responsible, stable are more welcome qualities. So what did you go into the relationship expecting? If your expectations have changed that could contribute to the fatality of the attraction.
Other things the study discussed were that static attracting factors (like physical characteristics) were less likely to cause a fatal attraction. These things are unchanging, and if you are initially attracted to someones eyes that isn't likely to change. The study also found that the fatal qualities generalized over men and women, so to some degree we are all looking (or not looking) for the same things. It would have been interesting to do follow up with these people and see who was in/ entered into healthy long lasting relationships and if they learned from their mistakes. Many people look for their opposites to balance themselves out, but really the data shows similarities are more likely to promote working relationships.
It was a very interesting article, we had a really good discussion, and I think from it I took away the importance of knowing what you are getting into. Yes people change in relationships but you can't expect someone to change everything about themselves for you. Communication is key, and getting to know the person before rushing into something is important too. Rushing into something just to avoid being alone is never the answer, relationships are built over time, starting as friends and if they become something more great, but you have to be confident and secure with yourself as an individual before adding another person to your life.
Just some food for thought, I think the class is interesting so other people might too. Obviously no one else read the article, but if you have an opinion on the subject I'd love to hear it. It's been a pretty good week two, busy getting back into work and keeping up with school and the GRE (one month!) and I'm looking forward to the long weekend.
Also back by not so popular demand (school just started again)...
Things you shouldn't name your children
NaPorsche: its like naming your kid Mercedes but worse
Lanantra: This should probably be on the list of most ghetto names
Fabiola: I don't even know...
Ambiance: Really? This is a name for a boy?
DeAdreau: It's like taking a name (if Adreau is a name) and adding De to the front, almost as bad as adding L' to a name
annndd last but not least (this unfortunately turned out to be a fake): Squirrely Mountain
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