February 24, 2010

SB 2010 Can't come fast enough

     Seriously it can't. I really need spring break to get here as fast as possible! I realized yesterday that I should have been spending the next week packing and getting ready to be in Italy for SB, and that's not happening anymore, well for me anyway. The rest of my family is still going to Italy, apparently it "wasn't worth the money not to go"... I'm still looking forward to the break though, and it will hopefully include a beach day or two. SB was made infinitely better at the discovery that Texas State has the same lame early break as Baylor so some of my good friends will be around!
     So there is no "Things you shouldn't name your kid" section this week because thanks to a snow day in Waco work was canceled! That's right we had a snow day in Texas! I believe the grand total was about 3 inches of snow yesterday; and yet Baylor felt the need to still have class. So the Baylor community got to enjoy walking to class in the disgusting slushy snow storm. That part of the day was totally not fun, but the rest of the afternoon rocked! After class I went to volunteer at WCY and we spent the afternoon playing in the snow. Now I know I'm usually a snow hater, but I have never (well not that I can remember) built a real snowman, or a snow fort so this was a bit exciting. It was also really rewarding to see how happy we made the kids, especially on the locked units. So I went around to all the units and with some of the other staff took the kids out to play in the snow and helped them build snowmen and had snowball fights. By the end of the day I was actually pretty good at rolling a giant ball for a snowman! These were big snow men too, I'm talking like my height or taller. It was awesome. The other great thing about the snow day was that Sing practice and work were canceled! So I actually had an entire evening free. I spent it writing a paper lol, well and watching the Olympics.
     Speaking of the Olympics this year has been pretty sweet for the United States. I believe we have 26 medals right now, most of which I've seen won! I love the winter Olympics, the sports are just so rugged and badass. Like ski and snowboard cross, how cool are those!? I really wish I was good at a cool snow sport. Also I now officially want to visit Canada, it looks pretty fun. My favorite event however is figure skating. This year has been awesome, all the ice dancing pairs were great, I'm a little disappointed Tanith and Ben didn't make the podium but Meryl (who is roommates with my roommates high school friend) and Charlie were amazing and so were the Canadian couple. Watching Evan win was another plus, he has definitely been voted hottest male figure skater in our house!  I also love all the skiing events, and America has some pretty big contenders this year. I'll be pretty sad when the Olympics is over.
     This is the last weekend of Sing!! The first performance is tomorrow night, and we will be all done Saturday! Then all that stands in between me and SB2010 is two (possibly 3) tests and a research paper. Can't friggin wait! Oh and Monday marks one month till my birthday :) 


  1. Like the new layout. What is the picture at the top of the page?

  2. I'm not sure I found it online lol. I'm guessing possibly;y a museum or something in Europe.
