January 27, 2010

64 Days!

"Because of what Baylor has meant to you in the past, because of what she will mean to you in the future, oh my students, have a care for her. Build upon the foundations here a great school of which I have dreamed, so that she may touch and mold the lives of future generations and help fit them for life here and hereafter."
-Samuel Palmer Brooks

And now for a new addition to the blog...
Things you shouldn't name your children:


So obviously I've started my new job this week. My first real day was Sunday and it's going pretty well. It's a pretty chill job, we call students who have been accepted to Baylor or who have started an application and are missing things and we talk to them about the school and their next steps in the application process. It pays pretty decently, and the people I work with are pretty cool. We also get to call kids with really funny names and try to pronounce them correctly. I'm sure I'll end up with all sorts of funny stories about people I've talked to.
This week will also be my first real week volunteering at Waco Center for Youth. I go on Thursday to talk to the lady who is in charge of the horses and then Saturday will be my first actual day with the kids. My first test is also this week. It's in Italian, my least favorite class, so I'm not exactly looking forward to that one. I have two more tests next week on Thursday and Friday. While we're on the topic of class, on Monday I walked into Drugs and Behavior and into a conversation about expensive pens. I'm not talking about $20 pens I'm talking about pens that cost thousands of dollars. I have now learned that my professor has a thing for pens. He carries two pens costing at least $500 on him at all times. Now these are nice fountain pens, but still that seems a little ridiculous for a pen. But it gets better. He told us about shops in Houston and Dallas that sell $10,000 pens. Seriously?! Who pays that much for a pen?!
Emily and I went to the Humane society this week just to look at the animals and play with them. Surprisingly we came home with nothing! There was a really awesome husky that I would have loved to take home but I already have Jasper so I guess I don't need a dog. There were some cute cats too, but Jasper doesn't seem to like having other cats in the house. Oh yeah the countdown in the title is now till my birthday. Only 64 more days! :)

Awww sleepy thug kitty :)

January 20, 2010

School Week 2

"Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone. Do not be troubled about the future for it has not yet come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."

Week two of class is off to a fabulous start...
Yesterday we were off for MLK day and I had volunteer training for my Psy 3V90 class. Basically this is a psychology class where you get class credit and clinical experience by volunteering for a predeterminded number of hours that you choose each week somewhere in the community. So you can go all sorts of places like the VA, a substance abuse clinic, the advocacy center, etc, etc. I'm volunteering with two of my friends at Waco Center for Youth, It's a mental health facility for kids 13-17 who are behaviorally or emotionally disturbed. Basically these kids have been court ordered or sent here by their parents and they live, go to school and see psychiatrists and psychologists on this campus. It's a really cool place, they have a cool ministry program, and they have like arts and crafts sessions, and levels the kids work though and even a horse barn. So hopefully i'll be working in the horse barn with the spurs program since I have experience there. If I don't get to work there hopefully i'll be assigned to a unit and work with kids on the unit while they're doing various activities. It should be a really cool experience and I'm looking forward to it.

Today was day one of job training at the telecounseling center! It went really well and was actually a lot of fun. We did paperwork and looked over some manuals, they showed us how the computer system works and we talked about rules and got binders full of all sorts of Baylor facts. Then we got to make practice calls, so everyone who was training went to an office and we talked to kids who already are telecounselors and pretended they were students who had been accepted to Baylor. I talked to BonQuiQui, it was pretty entertaining. Tomorrow is our second day of training and then we make schedules and the first day we can work is Thursday!

I'm really loving my 20th Century Britain class. It's all pop culture, and the professor is British and hilarious. We get to watch videos, and listen to music, and talk about tv shows and fast food and clothes. The only grades all semester are two research papers over any aspect of British culture we want to write about in the 20th century. So studying for this class is cool beacuse I just google things and go on you tube. I spent awhile today reading different things and looking at the BBC website, and old Times articals and The Sun website. I'm also loving psychopatholoy, we get to write a paper diagnosing some media figure (fictional or not) and talking about treatment and progression of the disorder we think they have. It's pretty cool. Actually all my classes are awesome this semseter (well minus Italian, I'm just ready to be done with that stressful class). Drugs and Behavior is really interesting, we're mostly talking about drug history and legislation right now so we haven't gotten into specifics but it seems cool, I just know the tests are going to be really hard.

On another note this weekend was pretty cool too. I saw Leap Year on Friday night. It was really cute, a little cheesy and predictable, but that is to be expected it's a romantic comedy after all. It was enjoyable and the scenery in Ireland was really pretty. On Saturday Reagan and I went to see Youth In Revolt, which I really liked. It's about a guy named Nick who falls in love with a girl named Sheeni and would do anything to be with her, including burn down half a town, run from the cops, and get her kicked out of boarding school. He creates an alternate persona of himself that is bad and does all the things he would never do. It was a good film, funny, but intelligently so, not full of stupid crude humor. The phi chi graffiti party was Saturday night (see pictures below), and it was a lot of fun. Emily, Susie, and I had a blast spray painting each other and all our friends. Ashley, Emily, and I also went to karaoke Sunday which is always awesome.

January 16, 2010

Idk Days

Sooo, Italy trip is officially postponed until the beginning of June. Yeah it sucks, and now spring break is going to be totally lame because I have no other plans. Somehow due to a mistake in the calenders it turns out Kristin and I do not have the same spring break and since neither of us can skip class for a week it's not happening. So no Italy in March anymore we're going to go right after Kristin graduates. Sad day. At least i'll get to go to the rodeo over break and I guess work a little, maybe go to the beach.
So the first week of school is now over. It's been a long one. I love all my classes but it's going to be a challenging semester. I'm taking all senior classes except Italian 4th semester. They're really fun though, I've got a British pop culture class, Drugs and Behavior (which includes a former Australian basketball player), Psychopathology and History of Psychology. I've learned this week that being a psych major seriously limits the number of guys in your classes.  I think I've got like 15 total in all of them maybe. Yeah I know, lame. One class has one guy in it and the rest girls it's weird. I've also learned that in upper level classes teachers are real big on the class discussion angle. Ugh...
We also started SING practice! So excited about that, it's a lot of fun. It's every day for two hours, but it only lasts till the end of Feb so it's not terrible. Oh! I got a job today! Now I'll have some extra money to save for Italy and London! I'm working with 3 of my friends too, so that will be great!
Nothing too exciting has happened on the trip front, I applied for a scholarship for my London trip, and we are picking hotels for Italy but thats about it. I turn 21 in 75 days so there is something I'm seriously looking forward to, especially since I have a 4 day weekend!

Here is SING:

Oh and Jasper is pretty thug... Are you??

January 07, 2010

64 Days

64 days till I leave for Italy and this blog gets used for its original intent. I'm not sure how much I'll update before I leave for Italy but I guess we'll see. I want this to be a travel blog so my friends can see what I'm up to when I'm overseas and without the wonderful Iphone, because unfortunatly I will be without it. For a week in march and then when the countdown starts again for 5 weeks in July. I'm not exactly sure how I'll survive, as we all know I'm basically permanently attached to my Iphone. But I'll use my blog to post some pictures and write about what I'm doing so everyone can stay clued in on my life. So lets see, we've bought plane tickets and I guess my mom is working on Hotel reservations, and I've made a list of things we have to do in Florence, Venice, and Rome (to which my mom added go to mass :/), I've found a cat sitter for Jasper, oh and my dad and I bought me a new suitcase so I'm basically ready to go except for the fact that it's not March yet. I've got a few months of school which includes SING (a musical competition between the sororities and fraternities) and the rest of Rush week.  The days will fly by though, and I'm sure Jasper will slap many people in the process. And hey, maybe I can improve my Italian in the next 64 days. Yeah, right.

                 Don't get Jasper slapped ----->